FNB Art Joburg


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FNB Art Joburg
Sep 6 – Sep 8, 2024



The title Evolve captures the essence of Everard Read’s FNB Art Joburg presentation - which reflects on the 30 years since South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994. The country, initially full of youthful optimism, has evolved through various stages: the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed toddler, the feisty and fearless teenager, and the turbulent and awkward twenty-something. Now, as South Africa enters its 30s, there is a sense of maturity and introspection as it navigates its shifting identity and place in the global landscape. Each artist featured in this exhibition offers a window into this evolution, touching on aspects such as collective consciousness, politics, beauty, culture, anger, and hope. Their work represents different facets of South Africa's ongoing transformation in an ever-changing environment. This exhibition is a snapshot of a nation grappling with its history, challenges, and aspirations, as it strives to become the best version of itself in this new chapter.





Everard Read is proud to present three exceptional new sculptures by national icon Mmakgabo Helen Sebidi. These female figures, originally crafted in clay before the pandemic, have been transformed into majestic bronzes for FNB Art Joburg. Sebidi's work captures the profound duty that women feel to mend the fractures inflicted by colonisation on a once-thriving African culture. Her sculptures embody the process of unlearning and relearning the ancestral wisdom that flows from one womb to the next. The figures symbolise the pivotal task of raising future generations to lead better lives - emphasising the essential role mothers and grandmothers play in this transformative journey. As you engage with the trio of sculptures, you’ll find them in a poignant dialogue about the critical contributions of women to society. They reflect on the importance of nurturing connections with ancestors and each other, illustrating how these bonds are fundamental to the well-being of our communities.


Fpr enquiries please contact gallery@everard.co.za